Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Creating Continuous Flow

Creating Continuous Flow: An Action Guide for Managers, Engineers & Production Associates Creating Continuous Flow narrows the focus of Learning to See from the door-to-door value stream perspective to achieving true continuous flow at your critical pacemaker processes. This new workbook explains in simple, step-by-step terms how to introduce and sustain lean flows of material and information in pacemaker cells and lines, a prerequisite for achieving a lean value stream. Creating Continuous Flow takes you to the next level in cellularization where you'll achieve even greater cost and lead time savings. You'll Learn:

  • Where to focus your continuous flow efforts
  • How to create much more efficient cells and lines
  • How to operate a pacemaker process so that a lean value stream is possible
  • How to sustain the gains and keep improving
  • 1 comment:

    1. Lean or Six Sigma, as it is also commonly referred to, is a management strategy that allows businesses to enhance the performance and quality of the processing units that are used to manufacture many products.lean manufacturing training
