Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Only the ability to change makes lean manufacturing success

Lean Production
Lean production and material flow principles are booming. Often in
the implementation of such strategies, however, made mistakes, they
make a success strongly questioned. The MM-We talked to the lean
experts Benno Löffler, Managing Partner of Vollmer & Scheffczyk GmbH
in Hanover.
Mr. Loeffler, there are key data, such as the minimum or maximum size
of a company that make a change you "diet" makes sense or nonsense?
Benno Löffler, Managing Partner of Vollmer GmbH & Scheffczyk: "It's
important for a sustainable improvement is that the ability to change
is rooted in the company." Image: Vollmer & Scheffczyk
Loeffler: Yes. At most, the opinion of top management, that should
any other difference. There is no company, which harms a broad
improvement culture. As a rule, but in particular needs to change his
habits, the top management and leadership tools.
What expectations these companies approach you, and how realistic do
you think this one in general?

Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, Shitsuke

Terms of Japanese production. Autonomous Maintenance (Seiton) means
that are at a manufacturing plant operating staff responsible for
their smooth functioning and carry out measures to maintain and
improve the system state independently by (ongoing maintenance,
periodic inspection, maintenance / repair, etc.). It is based on a
planned maintenance program that checks a rotational basis, the
mechanical production requirements (Seiso) and are available for the
education and training of staff in relation to uncompromising quality
in the production (Seiketsu). The focus is clearly on the maintenance
prevention (Shitsuke), prevents the loss or reduction in benefits from

The 5S

The 5S-work design, in the German-speaking countries often 5A, is a
mainly used in the production industry and increasingly in the service
sector methodology used, the term applies to a defined area of
action. It is an idea from the Japanese production concepts. 5S is
used as a tool to make jobs and their environment safe, clean and
clear. Order and cleanliness are essential to improve the work
processes that run on them.
Goal of a 5S program is to make the jobs so that work can proceed
smoothly, as well as searches are long distances and waiting times and
can be worked with waste-free. A clean and tidy work environment is
also considered as a basis for quality work.
As a methodological tool, the 5S can be applied in all areas of an
organization, both in production, such as in services and
administration. The direct involvement of the affected employee
(employee participation) facilitates the discovery of vulnerabilities
and the implementation of improvements. It also helps in the